In Go, there’s no direct equivalent to the struct tm type in C, which is used to represent a calendar time broken down into its components. Instead, Go provides the time.Time type, which represents an instant in time, along with a variety of methods for working with dates and times.

struct tm {
   int tm_sec;         /* seconds,  range 0 to 59          */
   int tm_min;         /* minutes, range 0 to 59           */
   int tm_hour;        /* hours, range 0 to 23             */
   int tm_mday;        /* day of the month, range 1 to 31  */
   int tm_mon;         /* month, range 0 to 11             */
   int tm_year;        /* The number of years since 1900   */
   int tm_wday;        /* day of the week, range 0 to 6, Sunday = 0   */
   int tm_yday;        /* day in the year, range 0 to 365, 1 Jan = 0  */
   int tm_isdst;       /* daylight saving time             */	
strftime pattern examples in sh
> date +"%A %B, %e, %Y"
Tuesday March,  7 2023
> date +%r
05:36:07 PM

Format function

In Go, the equivalent of the strftime function is the Format method of the time.Time type. It allows you to format a date and time as a string according to a specific format string.

func main() {
    myTime := time.Date(2022, 8, 15, 12, 34, 56, 0, time.UTC)
    fmt.Println(myTime.Format("01/02/06 03:04 PM"))

In this example,

In this example, "01/02/06 03:04 PM" represents the desired format, where "01" represents the month, "02" represents the day, "06" represents the year, "03" represents the hour, "04" represents the minute, and "PM" represents the AM/PM indicator.

We can build an intuition for formatting time by writing a program that prompts the user to enter time format strings, and then displays the current time formatted according to that string:

func main() {
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)

    now := time.Now()

    for {
        fmt.Printf(" > ")
        if !scanner.Scan() {

When you run this program, you can type in time format strings (e.g., “2006-01-02 15:04:05”) and see the current time formatted according to that string.

In Go, "15" is used as a constant to represent the hour value in 24-hour format, "04" is used as a constant to represent the minute value in two-digit zero-padded format, and "05" is used as a constant to represent the second value in two-digit zero-padded format.

We can see what constants refer to time format values in Go. When we can see by entering go doc time.Layout | more in a terminal.

package time // import "time"

const (
        Layout      = "01/02 03:04:05PM '06 -0700" // The reference time, in numerical order.
        ANSIC       = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006"
        UnixDate    = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006"
        RubyDate    = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006"
        RFC822      = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST"
        RFC822Z     = "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" // RFC822 with numeric zone
        RFC850      = "Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST"
        RFC1123     = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
        RFC1123Z    = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" // RFC1123 with numeric zone
        RFC3339     = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
        RFC3339Nano = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"
        Kitchen     = "3:04PM"
        // Handy time stamps.
        Stamp      = "Jan _2 15:04:05"
        StampMilli = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000"
        StampMicro = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000000"
        StampNano  = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000000000"

other examples when the running intuition for formatting time.

 > 01/02 03:04:05 2006 0700
2023/03/07 17:06:23 03/07 05:04:37 2023 0700
 > 700
2023/03/07 17:06:33 700
 > -0700
2023/03/07 17:06:36 -0500
 > 01
2023/03/07 17:06:36 03
 > January
2023/03/07 17:06:39 March
 > Jan
2023/03/07 17:06:40 Mar
 > 02
2023/03/07 17:06:40 07
 > Monday
2023/03/07 17:06:58 Tuesday
 > Mon
2023/03/07 17:07:01 Tue
 > foo bar 2006
2023/03/07 17:07:19 foo bar 2023
 > 2006 
2023/03/07 17:08:01 2023
 > 06
2023/03/07 17:08:04 23
How to format a time like “Sunday March 5, 2023”?
 answer:  Monday January 2, 2006

Parse function example

func main()
	// march 17 1988
	t, err := time.Parse("Jan 2 2006", "Mar 17 1988")
	if err != nil {

2023-03-07 17:56:16 1988-03-17 00:00:00 +0000 UTC


Go’s approach to working with time is somewhat different from C and other programming languages, but it is quite flexible once you get used to it.